The automobile industry is changing rapidly. Cars have become so much more than what they once were. Now, when we step into our vehicles we can listen to music with crystal clear quality, get turn-by-turn directions to any location we desire, and even have access to...
The days of repairing paint defects and scratches on your automobile are coming to a foreseen end. With today’s new technology and advancing science, a coating is now available for your car to prevent scratches and damage to the paint. This form of “auto healing” is...
Once automobiles became a standard household item and America’s highway system was developed and constructed, the road trip was created. Average citizens needed to travel long distances for personal or business reasons, so they hit the road. And while many enjoy the...
Since its humble beginnings in the late 1800s, the automobile has become an integral part of human society. And through the many iterations and models throughout the industry’s storied history, we have seen truly innovative advancements and upgrades. The invention of...
Automobiles have become something of a necessity for most human beings around the world. And considering that there are an estimated 1 billion plus cars driving on roads the world over, it’s safe to say that the automobile isn’t going anywhere any time soon. In fact,...